Monday, 17 August 2015

Day 2 - Vancouver (16/08/15)

Still a little jetlagged....not a nice feeling.....

So today we decided to visit a botanical garden - VanDusen botanical garden!  It was a bit of a trek to get to it as we had to take the skytrain then walk quite a few blocks. We had initially looked at the University of Columbia botanical garden as there is a Canopy Walk there but the receptionist at the hotel thought we meant VanDusen's so thats where we went!!

It was the 40th anniversary of its opening and instead of $11 only cost $2 each! We had an enjoyable stroll around - as there has been a severe drought here for 3 months we expected things to look a little dry but the gardens were beautiful. Most of the flowers were past their best but everything was lush and green.

After walking around the gardens for a few hours we headed back to the Skytrain and back to the waterfront. We had a lovely drink and a bite to eat in Gastown which i think is becoming a real favourite! Also the sun was out and it was hot!!

After a stroll around Gastown we headed back to the hotel for a nap as we intended to go to the International Summer Night Market in Richmond - luckily only a 10 minute stroll away from our hotel (I say only 10 minutes but my feet are now killing me!!! So even 10 minutes feels a looooooong way!!)

The market is an annual event and experiences over 30,0000 visits every weekend (most of them last night when we went I think!!!) and this year runs from May 8 - Sept 27 every weekend.

It was an enjoyable experience and very busy - there were loads of different foods to try and it was just lovely walking around on a warm summer's evening experiencing something  like this! 

My flashing icecube cocktail!

So tomorrow....Stanley Park...

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